Projection Syntax

CapybaraDB Projection Syntax (Simplified Guide)

Here’s a simple and concise guide to CapybaraDB projection syntax for quick reference:

1. Include Fields

Specify fields to include in the query response by setting the mode to include and listing fields.

  "mode": "include",
  "fields": ["field1", "field2"]


  "mode": "include",
  "fields": ["name", "bio"]

Explanation: Only the name and bio fields will be returned.

2. Exclude Fields

Specify fields to exclude in the query response by setting the mode to exclude and listing fields.

  "mode": "exclude",
  "fields": ["field1", "field2"]


  "mode": "exclude",
  "fields": ["password", "creditCard"]

Explanation: All fields except password and creditCard will be returned.

3. Default Behavior

If no projection is specified:

  • The entire document will be included in the response by default.
  • Only the _id field will be included if the mode is exclude with no fields specified.


  "mode": "exclude"

Explanation: Only the _id field is returned.

4. Nested Fields

Use dot notation to specify nested fields.

  "mode": "include",
  "fields": ["", ""]

Explanation: Only the city and zip fields within address will be included.

Projection Parameter Scenarios

Example Projection ValueResult
{ "mode": "include" }The entire document is returned.
{ "mode": "include", "fields": ["title", "author"] }Only the title and author fields are returned.
{ "mode": "exclude" }Only the _id field is returned.
{ "mode": "exclude", "fields": ["title", "author"] }All fields except title and author are returned.

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